Fire Alarms

Where to fit your alarms

Under the new Scottish Legislation, by February 2022 every Scottish home will need to have:

1 smoke alarm in the room you spend most of the day, usually your living room or it could be your office if you work from home.

1 smoke alarm in every circulation space on each floor, such as hallways and landings.

1 heat alarm in the kitchen.

All smoke and heat alarms should be mounted on the ceiling and must be interlinked or connected together.

If you have a carbon-fuelled appliance, like a boiler, gas fire or gas hob you must also have a Carbon Monoxide detector.

This does not need to be interlinked with the smoke and heat alarms but in order to be compliant with the legislation, battery powered alarms need to come with long life tamper proof batteries, which means you can't remove the batteries for the lifetime of the product.

The British Standard BS 5839-6:2019 recommends that smoke and heat alarms be installed: The standard also recommends that CO alarms should not be installed: Examples

If you live in a 3 bedroom, 2 floor house, you will need 3 smoke alarms and one heat alarm. You may also need at least one Carbon Monoxide alarm.

3 linked smoke alarms - one on the upstairs landing, one in the downstairs hall and one in the main living area.

1 linked heat alarm in the kitchen.

1 Carbon Monoxide alarm in any room where you have a carbon-fuelled appliance like a boiler or wood-burning fireplace.

If you live in a 1 bedroom flat, you will need 2 smoke alarms and 1 heat alarm. You may also need one Carbon Monoxide alarm.

2 linked smoke alarms - one in the hall and one in the main living area.

1 linked heat alarm in the kitchen.

1 Carbon Monoxide alarm in any room where you have a carbon-fuelled appliance like a boiler or wood-burning fireplace.

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