Fire Alarms

Different alarm types

Smoke Detector

Smoke detectors / smoke alarms

A smoke detector is a device that senses smoke, typically as an indicator of fire.

With interlinked units if any one of them detects smoke, all of the alarms will trigger. So you will always be alerted to the presence of smoke in the home, even if you are in a different part of the house.

Mains powered smoke alarms have battery back-ups, so they will still work even if household power has gone out.

The batteries in smoke alarms typically last for many years, but should be tested and replaced regularly.

Heat Alarm

Heat alarms

Smoke alarms work by detecting particles of smoke, but heat alarms work by detecting an increase in temperature.

Heat alarms are less sensitive than smoke alarms and are recommended where there is a risk of false alarms from smoke due to open fireplaces or cooking accidents, for example where you might burn food.

Carbon Monoxide Detector

Carbon Monoxide detectors / alarms

Carbon Monoxide is a odourless, tasteless and colourless gas that can result in symptoms ranging from fever to death. A Carbon Monoxide detector is the best way of protecting yourself and your home.

Legally, every home must have a carbon monoxide detector in any room where there is a fuel-burning appliance.

A Carbon Monoxide detector or Carbon Monoxide alarm continuously monitors and measures the level of carbon monoxide in the air, and will sound the alarm if concentration levels rise above safe limits.

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